Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Speaking of a hundred years of winter . . .

Did you miss me? Just as the spring finally did come to Narnia, so I have returned to my blog . . . or I've found my Mr. Tumnus or . . . you know, something all metaphoric and deep.

Once upon a time I used to update my blog. I even had grand visions of, gasp, writing regularly, developing a readership, maybe even finding a fan or two. Well you may or may not have noticed, but it's been a bit. I blame grad school, but then of course there was that summer vacation. Hmmmm, I'll have to think about that one.

Anyway, that's enough about that because now, I'm back! You want to know what's more? I've been writing. Really, I have.

I'll admit it. I stalled out on my last project. I decided to make some big structural changes within the novel, adding another point of view for a character I felt was getting seriously overlooked, but then I couldn't figure out the appropriate interpersonal dynamics between my other two my main characters. I thought and thought and thought about it. One afternoon I even swam laps for over an hour just mulling it over. Also, I tried to remember to breath, but that was secondary. I made several attempts to write out of my rut. I even flew all the way to England so I could go down to Oxford and pull up a bit o' grass on the bank of the Thames and write. But it turns out it is very difficult to write early twentieth century western frontier type dialogue when surrounded by the Britishness of poncy little undergraduates punting down the river, cornish pasties, and, you know, palaces. Fancy that.

Anyway, I finally decided that Cossette et all needed a break. Especially since I was launching into a semester studying Nonfiction and Victorian literature and gearing up for a second Mentorship writing a metafictive Middle Grade fantasy novel. A project where I can make everything up without feeling guilty that I haven't done sufficient research or I'm misconstruing various long-deceased family members? In a word: lovely. Though snerk is not entirely without his own problems. Just ask various friends, roommates, and family members who receive frantic phone calls, texts, and gchats saying, "Quick! What gender is Ain't!" and "But what are the gender politics if that word is feminine?" even "sorry [wasn't paying attention to your very important problem] I was busy drawing a map." I'm creating a whole world here. That's a lot of responsibility for someone who has never yet successfully kept a potted plant alive.

That said, dear readers, I am once again raising a very important question. Words if not worlds hang in the balance (drum roll):
If you had to marry either Mr. Elton, Mr. Eliot, or Mr. Collins which one would you choose?
Wait. Hang on, that wasn't the right question. Okay, for reals this time:
If there was a World of Words, which word would be their elected leader?
I've already picked my criminal mastermind, but I haven't settled on the Word herself. That's right. It's a woman. I'm just that edgy.

Now here's my parting promise to you, my readers. If you'll read and, gasp, comment, I'll keep-a-writin'.

Please note, the above mentioned question has and ought to have no bearing, connection, or commentary on any contemporary, political happenings. Different world, different cast of characters.


Amy-Alisa said...

The? Or The The. But I think the is neutral. And then you get into other languages and their genders too. THE is the word in German that tells you if a word is neutral, feminine or masculine. But the more I think of the and say the in my head, it just doesn't have that nice ring to it. Maybe just She? Or how about an adjective? Glory, freedom, bliss? Ha ha, had to throw that third one in there.

heather said...

What kind of society is it? Did they CHOOSE their leader? Do they want someone who's got Courage, Compassion, Justice? Who is the character? Does she embody any characteristic? Does she change her name when she becomes the leader to become WE or ALL? I think I would want a leader of Wisdom or Understanding.

Lindsay said...

Amy- I thought about The as well as A because they are used so often, but I decided they would probably need them to work in the field in that case.

Heather- All great questions. The Word is an elected position, but I don't quite have my head wrapped around the word society as a whole. I think their attitudes differ somewhat depending on their parts of speech. Verbs are more action-oriented. They want to get up and do. Nouns are less dynamic; they're more content to stick to the way things are. Adjectives, well they're the worst for just sitting around and commenting on things but not doing anything about them. I'm not sure about adverbs yet.