Tuesday, February 7, 2012

That's why we love you Google

I'll admit it. I'm not the biggest Dickens fan. At least not when it comes to actually reading Dickens (his books are just so long and adult fiction-y). But I do love me a good BBC/masterpiece theatre Dickens miniseries. They've got perfectly evil characters, crazy occupation/characterically appropriate last names, and classic quotes like, "I already have in my employ a literary man with a wooden leg." Not to mention the plot twists. Orphans popping up here, there, and everywhere, massive fortunes for the inheriting, child laborers, death by spontaneous combustion? You've got to admit, homeboy* had style.

Which is why seeing something like this:
warms the cockles of my little British, book loving heart.

What do you think about Dickens? Google? My assumption of a national and literary heritage that is arguably tenuous?

*That's right. I went there. And I've got the British Birth certificate to prove it.

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